Tuesday 17 January 2012

Antarctic Cricket Game

Hello everybody,

Well firstly I should probably say that this is not Finn writing, but Jacinta. Finn is currently at the Pole itself and so he cannot blog, but I have just spoken to him and I thought this was probably the best way to let a few people know how he is.

As some of you will have heard, to celebrate the Scott centenary today and game of cricket was held at the Pole with which Finn joined in, and the Britsh team won! I've added a couple of links below if you want more details:



He said it's been a really nice day with quite a lot of people at the Pole.

Finn is expecting to leave the Pole in the next couple of days, he will be driving back to their base camp at Union Glacier. I'm sure when he gets back he will blog in a bit more detail about what he has been up to for the past few weeks!