Saturday 15 October 2011

The season begins...

Hi all, firstly sorry it's taken me a while to get up and running with this but this is about the first chance I've had to sit down at a computer since leaving the UK.

So...a little bit more about where I am and what I'm doing. I'm currently in Punta Arenas in southern Chile from where I will soon be flying into the Antarctic. Since arriving here I have been working alongside other ALE staff to prepare all the equipment etc that will be flying into Union Glacier over the course of the next few months.  This has meant fitting extra parts to new skidoos, running up and checking the colossal new Wausau snowblower and loading the aircraft ready for departure, hopefully early this coming week.

The initial group of 6 staff and 6 air crew arrived at camp yesterday evening (14/10) after about a week of weather delays but initial reports as to conditions are looking positive. All structures are in good condition and the first few vehicles are up and running. The overiding comment was that it was very cold, seems obvious I suppose but this is almost a month earlier than normal for arriving at camp, and -30c with 30 knots of wind is enough to chill even the most experienced polar workers

1 comment:

  1. Great work Finn, I don't understand the technical stuff but thanks for the updates, and the pictures are great.
